Difficulty {.pure.} = enum Basic = "basic", Advanced = "advanced", Extreme = "extreme", Edit = "edit"
- Difficulty for jubeat like games. Will be removed/replaced with a more generic solution soonish Source Edit
Memson = ref object songTitle*: string ## The title of the chart's song. artist*: string ## The artist of the chart's song. difficulty*: Difficulty ## The difficulty of the chart. level*: int ## The difficulty as level range (Usually 1-10) of the chart. bpm*: float ## The BPM of the chart. May not be accurate if the `bpmRange` is set. bpmRange*: BpmRange ## The BPM-Range of the chart. ## May only be set if BPM changes occur in the chart. sections*: seq[Section] ## The sections of the chart.
- Memson is the in-memory data-structure for memo-files. Source Edit
Note = ref object time*: int ## The timing id when this note has to be pressed. partIndex*: int ## In which part this note was originally defined. case kind*: NoteType ## Which kind this Note is (Note or Hold) of NoteType.Hold: animationStartIndex*: int ## On which position the animation for the hold starts on. releaseTime*: int ## The release timing id when the hold has to be released. releasePart*: int ## The part in which the the hold was released. releaseSection*: int ## In which section it has to look for the timing id. else: nil
- A Note or Hold which has to be pressed. Source Edit
NoteRange = range[0 .. 15]
All positions a note can be placed on. Posion description:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Source Edit NoteType {.pure.} = enum Note = "note", Hold = "hold"
- The types of notes that exist (regular note, or a hold) Source Edit
Section = ref object index*: int ## The index of this section. bpm*: float ## What BPM this section is using. partCount*: int ## How many parts this section originally consisted of. timings*: seq[int] ## Timing ids which defined when a note needs to be pressed. snaps*: seq[Snap] ## The snaps for the timing. noteCount*: uint ## How many notes in total are stored notes*: OrderedTable[NoteRange, seq[Note]] ## Notes that need to be played. ## Keys are the positions, which start from top-left to bottom-right. ## _`NoteRange`
- Describes a complete section (with all parts). Source Edit
func newHold(time: int = 0; partIndex: int = 0; animationStartIndex: int = 0; releaseTime: int = 0; releasePart: int = 0; releaseSection: int = 1): Note {. ...raises: [], tags: [].}
- Source Edit
func newMemson(songTitle: string = ""; artist: string = ""; difficulty: Difficulty = Difficulty.Basic; level: int = 1; bpm: float = 0.0; bpmRange: BpmRange; sections: seq[Section] = @[]): Memson {....raises: [], tags: [].}
- Source Edit
func newSection(index: int = 1; bpm: float = 0.0; partCount: int = 1; timings: seq[int] = @[]; snaps: seq[Snap] = @[]; noteCount: uint = 0; notes: OrderedTable[NoteRange, seq[Note]] = initOrderedTable()): Section {. ...raises: [], tags: [].}
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func newSnap(length: int = 1; partIndex: int = 0; row = 0): Snap {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func parseDifficulty(input: string): Difficulty {....raises: [], tags: [].}
- Source Edit